What a morning!
We woke John up early to go running with us this morning. He's now taking a well deserved nap.
We woke John up early to go running with us this morning. He's now taking a well deserved nap.
John had a very busy weekend. We checked out one of Golden's main tourist attractions, Buffalo Bill's grave. Really. There's a museum and everything. Here are John and Christian in their matching Mines gear on top of Lookout Mountain.
We also had way too much fun with stuff that was supposed to be for older kids.
We don't have any pictures, but we went to Mass at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. It focused on Catholic Charities USA and we saw Archbishop Chaput, Bishop Sheridan and Bishop Tafoya. John was remarkably calm throughout the entire Mass and lots of people there thought he was a wonderful baby.
This morning Christian ran the Boulder Backroads half marathon. Someone who passed me in the parking lot carrying a ton of stuff and pushing John at 6:45 a.m. in the cold weather said I should get the trooper award. But who needs it when your baby is this cute?
Here's Christian waving to us as he finishes.
And finally, to share all the joys of parenting with you, here's John covered in vegan cheese. Spit up completely out of the blue, no warning.
John just got the rattle concept today. I couldn't decide which picture I liked best.
And someone must have abducted our cats and replaced them with alien cats who actually like each other. This almost never happens.
Here's John before we moved and before the cold snap.
Here's John in fleece pajamas this morning. Brr!
Just a note to let you know to expect new photos by Sunday at the earliest. Wish us luck with the move!
Christian took a ton of pictures of John this morning before he left for work. Here are some of our favorites.
Bye bye Boulder. John is moving up in the world- specifically to 6000 feet above sea level.
Too bad he's not strong enough to help us move all his stuff.
For Labor Day we went to Dinosaur Ridge with John's godfamily.
Here are Christian and John by the fossilized dinosaur footprints.
Here's John's godbrother, Boyd, standing by a garishly patriotic stegosaurus.
Here is John with his godmother, Becci.
That's right folks, guess this baby's weight and win a prize.
Well, actually, this picture is your prize and you get it even if you're wrong.
As of today's checkup, John weighs 15 pounds 5.5 ounces. He's 24 inches long. What a giant baby!