John's on the mend
John has been sleeping a lot recently, getting over his cold. Every day brings less baby torture with the nasal aspirator. Really, our pediatrician called it "baby torture" when he recommended it to us.
John has been sleeping a lot recently, getting over his cold. Every day brings less baby torture with the nasal aspirator. Really, our pediatrician called it "baby torture" when he recommended it to us.
Here's John showing off yet another animal-themed hat. Can you tell it's so much fun having a baby who's too young to complain about how you dress him?
Today John slept through his first parade. We went to see the Mines homecoming parade in downtown Golden. The theme this year was super heroes. Some highlights:
Here we are, watching the parade.
The CSM marching band wears hard hats and flannel shirts. For some reason they're also dressed up as pirates. Go figure.
You know it's a geeky engineering school when the villain on a float is an evil physics exam.
This float required some on the fly re-engineering to fit under some street lights.
Blaster is the school's mascot.
The Newman Group, a Catholic student organization, had the Pope as their super hero.
Although this theme could be interpreted as "Mines is such a tough school that the students are super heroes" I thought it might also be "We got too drunk last night to finish our float."
After the parade we went up to Boulder. Here I am showing off my super power, the ability to nurse while walking.
John is using his super power to be the first baby to climb the Flatirons. This is actually a map of Boulder County on the Pearl Street mall with miniature geographic features.
What a wonderful day!
Here is John pondering the more esoteric propositions of the Angelic Doctor's Summa:
Here's John several hours later, basking in the light of knowledge (having finished the Summa):
Although the camera position is a little off, John and I had fun playing with the timer on the camera today.
Today we went hiking at Lair O' The Bear. It was an easy, fun hike and John slept through the entire thing.
Here he is being cute in his car seat before the hike.
Here is Christian, carrying John to slow him down a little.
And me, since I almost never have pictures of myself.
This is Bear Creek with its miniature whitewater.
And one lone aspen among the pines.
John is trying so hard to move when we put him on his stomach, but he can't quite coordinate everything together yet. It is so fun to watch him try.
October just so happens to be movie musical month on TCM. So what's a stay at home mom to do? I get drawn in and just leave the TV on, catching bits of musicals here and there since there are very few where I don't know the plot. Well, today I was changing John in the TV room and look what he was doing.
He's craning his little head to see the TV. Not that it's all that great of a musical, it's Look for the Silver Lining, for goodness sake, John! So to keep him with a happy long attention span, I'm giving up TV unless he's sleeping. No more movie nursing, movie changing, movie playing, movie gymini time, movie tummy time... Sigh.
John is all warm in his Maggie Simpson bunting.
And doesn't he look like such a nice little adopted baby with these two?
Here's John getting a goodbye nuzzle from his father:
And John meeting his uncle Ross: